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MOU with DIU and SANPA

Date: 18 November 2023


This Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is made and entered into on 18 November 2023 by the South Asian Network for Public Administration, hereinafter referred to as “SANPA” and the Bangladesh Center for Governance and Development (BCGD) of Dhaka International University, hereinafter referred to as “BCGD-DIU.”


Whereas, SANPA and BCGD-DIU share the same vision and objectives to promote public administration and governance research and education to contribute to inclusive development and accountable governance in South Asia and beyond;

Whereas, SANPA and BCGD-DIU aim to strengthen academic and research collaborations by attracting scholars and practitioners from the South Asia region and beyond and become platforms of academics and practitioners further to promote public administration education, research, and capacity building;

Therefore, SANPA and BCGD-DIU agree to forge partnerships in the form of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) under the following terms and conditions.

Modalities of Collaboration

In this context, as both institutions are united by common interests and objectives in research and academic collaboration in areas of public administration as an academic discipline and a field of practice, public policy and governance and inclusive development, and they wish to maintain and promote collaboration that permit those mutual scholarly and academic ties and promote closer collaboration.

SANPA and BCGD-DIU, therefore, agree to collaborate in the following areas:

1. Collaboration on research and publications on broader areas of process and practices of public administration, public policy, governance dynamics, development of course curricula catering to the need for changing dimensions of governance demand and deficit.

2. Joint research on dynamics and process of design and implementation issues of public policies and public administration practices and global development agenda such as the Agenda 2030;

3. Develop new case studies on public sector management, policy implementation, program management issues on the basis of the existing and forthcoming collaborative researches;

4. Institutional collaboration in organizing regional and international seminar, conference and workshop.

5. Jointly organizing workshops/ seminars and international conferences with any other national or international public or private institution/organisation;

6. This agreement will govern the general framework for joint research, publications, arrangement of workshops, seminars, and conferences, and any other mutually agreed activities. Individual working agreement(s) for such collaboration, should they arise, will be executed for specific projects/ activities under this agreement.

7. The individual working agreement(s) referred to in paragraph 2 may be developed for, but need not be limited to, joint research and publications, arranging workshops, seminars, conferences, etc.

8. The cost of any joint activity shall be mutually determined.

9. This Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) may be modified or extended by written consent of both parties.

10. Either Party may terminate this MOU by giving three months’ prior notice in writing to the other party

11. This Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) will become effective on the date above and remain for five years from that date. It may be renewed for an additional period by an exchange of letters between the parties.


1. The protection of intellectual property rights shall be enforced in conformity with the national laws, rules and regulations signed by both Parties.

2. In the event that either Party wishes to use the name, logo and/or official emblem of the other Party for any purpose shall obtain the written consent of the other Party in advance.

3. Each of the Parties shall not publish any marketing material relating to this MOU without the prior written consent of the other Party and undertake that the wording for any marketing materials shall be agreed jointly between the Parties prior to its use.


1. Each party shall observe and maintain the confidentiality and secrecy of documents, information and other data received from or supplied to the other Party during the period of the effectivity of this Memorandum of Understanding or any other agreements made pursuant to this Memorandum of Understanding unless such information is required to be disclosed by law or any legal or regulatory authority.

2. For purposes of paragraph 1 above, such document, information and data include any document, information and data which is disclosed by a Party (the Disclosing party) to the other Party (the Receiving party), prior to, or after, the execution of this Memorandum of Understanding, involving technical, business, marketing, policy, know-how, planning, project management and another document, information, data and/or solutions in any form, including but not limited to any document, information or data which is designated in writing to be confidential or by its nature intended to be for the knowledge of the Receiving Party or if orally given, is given in the circumstances of confidence.

3. Both Parties agree that the provisions of this Article shall continue to be binding between the Parties notwithstanding the termination of this Memorandum of Understanding.


Each Party reserves the right for reasons of national security, national interest, public order or public health to suspend, either in whole or in part, the implementation of this Memorandum of Understanding, which suspension shall take effect immediately after notice given to the other Party through mutual consultation.


Any difference or dispute between the Parties concerning the interpretation and/or implementation and/or application of any of the provisions of this Memorandum of Understanding shall be settled amicably through mutual discussion and/or negotiations or arbitration between the Parties.